I guess real maturity, which most of us never achieve,
is when you realize that you’re not the center of the universe.
– Katherine Paterson
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned like a child.
When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.
– I Corinthians 13:11 ESV
On a recent ESPN telecast I heard former Kansas City Chiefs head coach Herm Edwards say “You might be born a male but you become a man by the choices you make.” These principles are applicable to men and women. The topic of this blog is really MATURITY.
Let’s examine some choices that will help you talk, think, and act like an adult. We love the innocence of children but its’ not a very good look if a grown adult throws a fit and acts childish.
This post is a self-examination.
We will look at the some of the choices adults make to show maturity.
Give yourself a grade on each area.
Don’t compare yourself to others.
Be honest with yourself.
This will help you to decide what area needs some improvement.
1. I take Total Responsibility for myself. I never make excuses, blame others or explain away my failures.
(Children make excuses/blame others.)
2. I have a Winning Attitude. I adjust well to surprises/difficulties. I do what needs to be done regardless of difficult circumstances, whether I’ll get recognition or how I feel.
(Children whine if things don’t go their way. They do things when they feel like it.)
3. I manage my emotions with discipline, patience and maturity.
(Children overreact and often throw a tantrum when things don’t go their way, someone gets a toy they wanted …)
4. I get back up when I get knocked down. I NEVER QUIT!
5. I respect all women all the time. (If you are female: I respect myself all the time.) Note the word all, not some or most women, not some or most of the time.
6. I serve other people. I park my ego at the door and look to be an encouragement to others.
(Children are self-absorbed and needy. Talk about high-maintenance! Three year olds let you know what they need or want.”I’m thirsty! I’m tired! I don’t want a nap! It’s hot! I’m cold! I want a toy! I want that toy! I want a puzzle!”)
7. I finish the job. I don’t just talk a good game.
(Immature people talk about what they are going to do. “I’m gonna lose some weight. I’m gonna start eating more healthy foods, I’m gonna save for retirement. I’m gonna get in better shape…”)
8. I have a good vocabulary. I can express myself clearly.
(Immature people use four letter words and profanity to express displeasure.)
9. I build people up. I build my family, team, church, school or business up.
(Immature people tear others down. They think it makes them look better. It only makes them look petty and small.)
10. I have a plan. I know where I’m going. At the end of every week I want to be a better version of me.
(Our one and three year old grandsons don’t have a plan.They just grab the first toy they see and play with it until they lose interest.Then they grab another one. The one year old doesn’t even have a plan to use the bathroom. Yet.)
11. I’ve made some decisions about some things I will/won’t do already. I won’t give in to the crowd. I don’t care what others think, say or do.
(Immature people just wing it and do whatever they feel like at the time.)
12. I always give my best. I’m not satisfied with “not too bad” or “pretty good”.
(Immature people do their best if they feel like it).
Please share any thoughts you might have.
– Coach T
Thanks coach I will use this today with my baseball team. I need it too.
Mike Cash (Providence Academy)